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Jerusalem Beit Din






972 1-700-501-531


Échelle des prix:

Pas de frais

* informal beit din

Note moyenne:

(as chosen by reviewers)



Je recommanderais ce Beit Din

Je me suis senti obligé échanger quelque chose contre Get

Ont dit de ne pas apporter de représentation

Feutre traité avec respect













Est-ce ce que ce Beit-Din:

a un site Web?

a publié un guide de procédure?

est transparent sur ses coûts?

indique de manière claire comment les contacter?

propose des formulaires d’évaluation?

Combien de temps les gens ont attendu pour recevoir/donner leur Get

Ce que les gens disent...

Straightforward process. Our lawyer was with us, told us what to expect, and it was predictable. The waiting area (hallway) was clean.

The Beit Din did not want to hear from me. When they asked questions to us as a couple, and I answered, they asked my ex for verification. I stopped talking, because they wanted to hear from me as little as possible and I wanted it to go smoothly so I could leave with a get. They recommended "shalom bayit" (therapy, presumably,) which is incredibly painful to hear after going through the very difficult process to get to this moment. When my ex handed me my get, the Beit Din hovered over me making sure I was holding my hands flat in exactly the right way. It was condescending and ridiculous. Again, I complied for ease of process. There were no women present except myself. I felt I barely needed to be there. It was insulting and degrading.

The dayanim made my ex change the agreement.

They consider the husband even though there is a divorce charge and do not do so for more than two and a half years

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