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London Beit Din




United Kingdom



Échelle des prix:

Pas de frais

* informal beit din

Note moyenne:

(as chosen by reviewers)



Je recommanderais ce Beit Din

Je me suis senti obligé échanger quelque chose contre Get

Ont dit de ne pas apporter de représentation

Feutre traité avec respect














Est-ce ce que ce Beit-Din:

a un site Web?

a publié un guide de procédure?

est transparent sur ses coûts?

indique de manière claire comment les contacter?

propose des formulaires d’évaluation?

Combien de temps les gens ont attendu pour recevoir/donner leur Get

Ce que les gens disent...

It was intimidating to be in a room full of so many men watching me

They made me feel comfortable and that's it's ok. I also didn't want to see my ex again so they kindly did it for me separately

Kind. Helpful. Female help.

It was intimidating to be in a room full of so many men watching me

They made me feel comfortable and that's it's ok. I also didn't want to see my ex again so they kindly did it for me separately

It was very intimidating, lots of men and me

I would have wanted the process explained and also some female representatives there

They treated me like garbage. They have no women there to support women going through this. If I didn’t bring an advocate it would have been me in the room with 8 men. There was absolutely no support and there was no one who offered the basic decency of communication. The least they could do to a victim of horrific abuse is answer a call or email.

Received my get very quickly

Very male focused. Despite all the evidence against, the man’s side was taken. They were too scared to push my ex for the Get.

The dayanim were so kind and sensitive

The london bet din under the dayanim that helped me make a hard situation (receiving a Get) as easy and comfortable as it could have been for me and I am grateful to them and for my experience. Thank you

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