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Est-ce ce que ce Beit-Din:
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Combien de temps les gens ont attendu pour recevoir/donner leur Get
Ce que les gens disent...
Rabbi R made it very clear that as a woman, I have no right to anything. He openly confessed to speaking to my ex many times when I wasn’t present. Child support and other basics were never enforced. Rabbi R would call me on my phone to harass me, using profanity at times. I’ve been warned to avoid that beis din at all costs but I figured that I don’t want to fight, I won’t ask for anything except for a get. What can go wrong? My ex asked to go there, so I signed arbitration there. Obviously this was a hellish nightmare that made me question my faith in rabbonim. The only thing they ended up doing right is that they gave me a heter to go to court because they weren’t interested in imposing any rulings on my ex.
I have been warned by my rabbi to avoid this beis din because they are known to be corrupt and anti women. I wish I listened to him. I knew I didn’t want to fight. All I wanted was to divorce in a civil manner for the sake of the children and myself. Apparently that was a big mistake
When we first met with the Beit Din rabbi, my (ex) husband started to say something about withholding the get, and the rabbi cut him short and said, very firmly, "We are not going there. We are all Yirei Shamayim and we are not going down that road." I was eternally grateful to him. My (ex) husband did not try that again.