Chicago Rabbinical Council
(773) 250-5482
Échelle des prix:
Pas de frais
* informal beit din
Note moyenne:
(as chosen by reviewers)
Je recommanderais ce Beit Din
Je me suis senti obligé échanger quelque chose contre Get
Ont dit de ne pas apporter de représentation
Feutre traité avec respect
Est-ce ce que ce Beit-Din:
a un site Web?
a publié un guide de procédure?
est transparent sur ses coûts?
indique de manière claire comment les contacter?
propose des formulaires d’évaluation?
Combien de temps les gens ont attendu pour recevoir/donner leur Get
Ce que les gens disent...
They handle it as quickly as they could. My ex was very uncooperative. He gave the get and we had to file an order of protection the next day so the Beit din rushed me in to pick up the Get next morning. Kind and courteous the whole time.
Rabbi Reiss helped facilitate getting me my get right away.
The rabbis basically told me to give up my kesubah money as a given- you want him to give the get don’t you?
it was handled quickly and professionally. Everything was explained in a non-judgemental way.
they made me wait 3 weeks before they could provide my get appt, which was stressful as I was afraid he would change his mind and withhold
Quick and competent
Very easy, didn't have to sit with my ex, mom came with me. Ex had to pay all costs. Civil divorce came about a month later.
CRC was very easy to work with. As soon as I had the civil divorce decree in hand (took a while since it was the start of Covid) I emailed them a copy and they sent me letter saying was halachically divorced.
Didn't issue a seruv for get refusal
Negative-The beis dins inability to force compliance from my exwife
Positive-The av beis din