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London Federation




United Kingdom


020 8202 2263


Échelle des prix:

Pas de frais

* informal beit din

Note moyenne:

(as chosen by reviewers)



Je recommanderais ce Beit Din

Je me suis senti obligé échanger quelque chose contre Get

Ont dit de ne pas apporter de représentation

Feutre traité avec respect














Est-ce ce que ce Beit-Din:

a un site Web?

a publié un guide de procédure?

est transparent sur ses coûts?

indique de manière claire comment les contacter?

propose des formulaires d’évaluation?

Combien de temps les gens ont attendu pour recevoir/donner leur Get

Ce que les gens disent...

They were kind patient and understanding and explained the process

The Dayanim have to understand that they are dealing with very vulnerable people and a very very challenging time in their lives and be a bit more compassionate.

They took a very long time to reply to each email. They were not honest to me. Said one thing and did something else. Disrespectful and not understanding to the horrible situation that I was in.
Bad communication. I arrived at a meeting and was then asked to pay without being told the charge

Unprofessional - not working alongside in collaboration / understanding my situation or the UK legal system which was dealing with our case / I spent a lot of time and Money trying to get help to use the Beth Din correctly and safely . They didn't have knowledge / power to persuade my ex to give my GET. At the end of the GET ceremony my Ex asked to give a speech and he gave a speak putting me down, The Rabbis allowed it. They seemed confused and quite powerless.

I was given time to speak and make myself heard

I was clearly told I didn't have any power in this situation and I'd have to wait until the other party was ready amd possibly be prepared to pay up and give into demands in order to receive my gett

male focused

Corruption to receive my Get. Encouraged to be taken to Din Torah over money. Letter on B/D paper with conditions of my Get. Ignored. Lied too. Intimidated.

They’re going to take ages, even though it’s not right and to always take someone with to meetings.

I was not taken seriously. The BD were not confidential and repeated things to my ex. They seemed to be scared of him and made me give in on things that greatly weren’t right or best for my child.

They were rude, inconsiderate, stubborn, self important, did not listen to a word that I said and spoke condescendingly to me.

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