London Keddasia
United Kingdom
44208-802-6226 140
Échelle des prix:
* informal beit din
Note moyenne:
(as chosen by reviewers)
Je recommanderais ce Beit Din
Je me suis senti obligé échanger quelque chose contre Get
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Est-ce ce que ce Beit-Din:
a un site Web?
a publié un guide de procédure?
est transparent sur ses coûts?
indique de manière claire comment les contacter?
propose des formulaires d’évaluation?
Combien de temps les gens ont attendu pour recevoir/donner leur Get
Ce que les gens disent...
They were very dismissive and forceful trying to renege on what was sorted before
I was prompted what to tell the rabbi after going to 5 different rabbis, last rabbi agreed to give me get
You feel alienated.
The female role is completely negative like a spare part
I found the Dayanim to be compassionate and understanding
Did not feel they understood enough about abuse. Big lapse of time from when I opened the case, there was no follow up, I needed to chase them. Sometimes I received messages from the Dayan through a 3rd party which was unprofessional and hurtful.
After waiting 9.5 Hellish years the first thing he said was “ah, today is very exciting, but first for the most important thing…. You have an envelope of money for me….” I replied “that’s the most important thing?? My get is the most important thing…..”
My divorce was very black and white - no children no property to divide etc so very easy -Only sad part is that of which the woman has in the ceremony - invisable!
I never feel listened to. My husbands always seems to get whatever he wants. He’s never had to face consequences of his actions
Lots of confusion about processes and being spoken over.
Kindness shown
I would have wanted to know my halachic rights