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Toronto Beit Din






(416) 841-7318


Échelle des prix:

Pas de frais

* informal beit din

Note moyenne:

(as chosen by reviewers)



Je recommanderais ce Beit Din

Je me suis senti obligé échanger quelque chose contre Get

Ont dit de ne pas apporter de représentation

Feutre traité avec respect














Est-ce ce que ce Beit-Din:

a un site Web?

a publié un guide de procédure?

est transparent sur ses coûts?

indique de manière claire comment les contacter?

propose des formulaires d’évaluation?

Combien de temps les gens ont attendu pour recevoir/donner leur Get

Ce que les gens disent...

I didn't know that the process would start late, so as to stall for time to make me think. When I realized that this was being done purposely (the men just talked amongst Yiddish), I felt better. I also didn't know that I would be asked at the last minute if there was anything that could be done to save the marriage. After I briefly explained my situation to the Rabbi, his gestures and comment of "Feh" was enough to validate my decision, and empower me to move forward.

I was treated with great respect

Once it was established that my husband cheated on me, they didn't push counseling or therapy, we just proceeded with the process

No option in my city. I do wish I would have known that they'd recommend that we come back after marital therapy (we had done so for 4 years so they let us continue). Would have saved some panic, but that's all. Overall it was not a negative experience.

Delay in scheduling - though in hindsight it felt longer than it was. It was 9 months from first contact, maybe 4 months from first attempt to schedule until we could go.

They were very efficient

It was very hard to schedule and receive

The Rabbi was very respectful of my feelings

The rabbi intentionally misnamed me in the gett after we got into several heated discussions about agunot, halachah, the Israeli rabbinate, etc.

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